Criminal Profiling: the online encyclopedia
"Made for students, by a student"
Average annual income $78,120 ($36.04 an hour)
(The top 10 make $127, 590 a year)
Job Description:
While extremely similar to criminology (sociology was the original, until the Chicago school of sociology began to focus on criminality), sociology is still its own entity. Sociologists study society and social behavior by examining social groups, different cultures, organizations (religious and otherwise), and any other social institutions.
Their job duties include:
Design research projects to test theories about social issues.
Collect data through surveys, observations, and interviews.
Analyze and draw conclusions from data and surveys.
Prepare reports, publications, or articles to show their findings.
Collaborate with others (criminologists, psychologists, social scientists, etc.)
Consult with and advise clients, policy makers, and other groups on their research findings and sociological issues.
They usually specialize in these social topics:
Crime (Criminologist)
Racial and ethnic relations
Many people with this degree become college professors, or other instructors. Many others become policy analysts, demographers, survey researchers, and statisticians. (Although sociologists don’t actually consult for law enforcement, and develop psychological profiles of criminals, they usually interview the incarcerated ones. They use these interviews to help develop their findings about society. Sometimes they are consulted to help find violent criminals using some of the research they do, but it isn’t quite the same as criminal profiling).