Criminal Profiling: the online encyclopedia
"Made for students, by a student"
Sources and site links
Over the course of this project I used an incredible amount of resources,(both online and off). I have also interviewed many people in this field, and I will include them below as sources.
Online sources:
- (The vault has a lot of case files on past violent crimes, many are from famous cases. (Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, etc.) If you're really interested in the FBI you should check these case files out).
Book Sources:
John Douglas and Mark Olshaker- “The anatomy of motive”
Stanton E. Samenow- “Inside the criminal mind”
Kurt R. Bartol and Anne M. Bartol- “Forensic Psychology”
Robert J. Morton, Mark Hilts, and the BSU- “Serial Murder: multi-disciplinary perspectives for investigators”(Link to the book:
Robert J. Morton, Jennifer M. Tillman, Stephanie J. Gaines- “Serial Murder: Pathways for investigations” (Link to the book: )
My research paper from 11th grade
Special thanks:
Special Agent Page and the entirety of the F.B.I- (He helped me during my junior year, when I needed help finding resources to create my senior project. He also made me even more interested in the FBI and set me out on my current career path). And the F.B.I. itself for supplying me with a lot of the publications that I researched to create the Special agent section of this site.
Richard Helms- (A retired forensic psychologist, Mr. Helms is also a well accomplished crime fiction author. He helped out with all of the forensic psychology entries on this site. If you’re a fan of detective fiction, check out his novels, they’re fantastic!)
My family- (They helped supply with the transportation and materials needed to create this website. Thanks mom and grandma!)